
Publications Paper
  • [63]

    Jong Hyun Kim, Suk Sang Chang, Geunbae Lim, and Bong-Kee Lee, Fabrication of Mutilayered Microgear Using a Vertically Modularized and Sectioned Micromold System by X-ray Micromachining Process, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 50, 06GM11 (2011)

  • [62]

    Taechang An*, WooSeok Choi*, Sang Woo Joo, and Geunbae Lim, A Novel Fabrication Method of CNT-CP Composite Single-Nanowires Self- Templated by Dielectrophoresis and Electropolymerization, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 5(7), 235-237(2011)

  • [61]

    Taechang An, WooSeok Choi, Eunjoo Lee, Seong J. Cho, and Geunbae Lim, Fabrication of Conducting Polymer Micro/Nanostructures Coated Gold Nanoparticles, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 12 (6), 4975–4978(2011)

  • [60]

    Seong J. Cho, Taechang An, Jin Young Kim, Jungwoo Sung, and Geunbae Lim, Superhydrophobic Nanostructured Silicon Surfaces with Controllable Broadband Reflectance, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 47(21), 6108-6110(2011)

  • [59]

    Taechang An, WooSeok Choi, Eunjoo Lee, In-tae Kim, and Geunbae Lim, Fabrication of Functional Micro- and Nanoneedle Electrodes using a Carbon Nanotube Nanoneedle Template and Electrodeposition, Nanoscale Research Letters, 6(4), 306(2011)

  • [58]

    Jung Hwal Shin, Jin Woo Lee, Jin Hwa Jung, Dong-Woo Cho, and Geunbae Lim, Evaluation of cell proliferation and differentiation on a poly(propylene fumarate) 3D scaffold treated with functional peptides, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 46(15),5282-5287(2011)

  • [57]

    WooSeok Choi, Taechang An, and Geunbae Lim, Organic Electrochemical Transistors Based on a Dielectrophoretically Aligned Nanowire Array, Nanoscale Research Letters, 6, 339(2011)

  • [56]

    WooSeok Choi, Ashutosh Sharma, Shizhi Qian, Geunbae Lim, and Sang Woo Joo, On steady two-fluid electroosmotic flow with full interfacial electrostatics, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 357(2), 521-526(2011)

  • [55]

    Seong J. Cho, Bumjoo Kim, Taechang An, and Geunbae Lim, Replicable Multilayered Nanofibrous Patterns on a Flexible Film, LANGMUIR, 26(18), 14395-14399(2010)

  • [54]

    Sungjoon Choi, Wonkyu Moon, and Geunbae Lim, A Micro-machined viscosity-variation monitoring device using propagation of acoustic waves in microchannels, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 20,0805034(2010)

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