
Publications Paper
  • [151]

    Sangwoo Kim, Minseok Kim, Suhyeon Kim, Bumjoo Kim, Geunbae Lim, Continuous separation of submicron-scale oil droplet in aqueous electrolyte by electrophoretic migration, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2021)

  • [150]

    Hyukjin J. Kwon, Minsoo Lee, Seong Kyung Hong, Chan Park, Seong J. Cho, Geunbae Lim, Comprehensive Electrokinetic-Assisted Separation of Oil Emulsion with Ultrahigh Flux, ACS Nano (2021) [Published as a supplementary cover]

  • [149]

    Seong Kyung Hong*, Hyonguk Kim*, Haran Lee, Geunbae Lim, Seong J. Cho, A pore-size tunable superhydrophobic membrane for high-flux membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science (2021) (*equally contributed)

  • [148]

    Hyeonsu Woo*, Suhyeon Kim*, Hyoryung Nam, Wonsuk Choi, Kumjae Shin, Kanghyun Kim, Seungbin Yoon, Geon Hwee Kim, Jinseok Kim, Geunbae Lim, Au Hierarchical Nanostructure-Based Surface Modification of Microelectrodes for Improved Neural Signal Recording, Analytical Chemistry (2021) (*equally contributed) [Published as a supplementary cover]

  • [147]

    Hyeonsu Woo, Suhyeon Kim, Seungbin Yoon, Kanghyun Kim, Geon Hwee Kim, Taechang An, Geunbae Lim, Highly flexible and transparent film heater with electrospun copper conductive network via junction-free structure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2021)

  • [146]

    Kanghyun Kim, Kyungjin Park, Hyoryung Nam, Geon Hwee Kim, Seong Kyung Hong, Suhyeon Kim, Hyeonsu Woo, Seungbin Yoon, Jong Hyun Kim, Geunbae Lim, Fabrication of Oblique Submicron-Scale Structures Using Synchrotron Hard X-ray Lithography, Polymers (2021)

  • [145]

    Minsoo Lee, Hyukjin J. Kwon, Geunbae Lim, A Multiscale‐Porous Anion Exchange Membrane for Convenient and Scalable Electrokinetic Concentration of Cationic Species, Advanced Functional Materials (2021) [Published as a front cover]

  • [144]

    Kyungjin Park, Jong Hyun Kim, Byoung Jae Kim, Seong J. Cho*, Jiwoo Hong*, and Geunbae Lim*, Direct Visualization of Microscale Dynamics of Water Droplets on under-Oil-Hydrophilic Membranes by Using Synchrotron White-Beam X-ray Microimaging Techniques, Langmuir (2020)

  • [142]

    Hyungkook Jeon, Bakr Jundi, Kyungyong Choi, Hyunryul Ryu, Bruce D. Levy, Geunbae Lim and Jongyoon Han* Fully-automated and field-deployable blood leukocyte separation platform using multi-dimensional double spiral (MDDS) inertial microfluidics, Lab on a chip (2020)

  • [141]

    Geon Hwee Kim*, Hyeonsu Woo*, Suhyeon Kim, Taechang An, Geunbae Lim, Highly-robust, solution-processed flexible transparent electrodes with a junction-free electrospun nanofiber network, RSC Advances (2020) (* equally contributed)

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